About Libertà Valuta
Passionate About Bitcoin Education
Liberta Valuta directly translates to Freedom Currency and that is what we believe bitcoin is. A currency that is free for all to use. A currency that is not controlled by any government. A currency with rules, but no rulers that can override those rules or change them as they see fit. A currency for the people.
Libertà Valuta is a bitcoin-only training provider, dedicated to educating individuals and businesses on the benefits and practical applications of bitcoin and self-custody. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and expertise with others.
We offer a variety of training and educational programs, ranging from introductory courses to in-depth workshops tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We are available to speak at conferences and events, providing insightful keynote presentations on the latest trends and developments in the world of bitcoin and self-custody.
What Qualifies Me
Passion, and a desire to learn.
I completed a Certified Bitcoin Professional (CBP) qualification, but I don't think that is what qualifies me. What qualifies me is the hours of research I've done and continue to do. There is a wealth of knowledge out there, and anyone in this space needs to be continually learning.